Reading 2

Q1. Given the Wikipedia definition on data and information, what is your own take on this and specfically what is the difference between data and information? Based on the definitions of data and information i believe that the main difference between the two is how the points are interpreted. With data this can be any piece of information whether it is able to be interpreted or not. at its most basic it can be as simple as a 1 or a 0 or as complicated as E=MC^2. Data encompasses all points that can exist. Information is data that can be interpreted and be used to inform decisions.

Q2. From the Manovich reading, what is the difference between visualization and mapping? From reading the Manovich article mapping can be considered a more visual version of visualization, in which the visual is given physical locations within a space. Visualization refers more to imagining the data on some sort of graph while mapping refers more to actually graphing the data.

Q3. When Manovich states that visualization is the anti-sublime art what is he referring to? Do you agree with this notion? When Manovich states that visualization is the anti-sublime art he’s referring to the idea that visualization attempts to represent data in a way that humans can easily comprehend is rather difficult. This style is more objective that art normally is.

Q5. Aaron Koblin is in the Self Surveillance, Crowd Sourcing, Creating Data and Narratives categories. Koblin has created a wide breadth of work from virtual reality, augmented reality, data art, and music videos that display ideas and data in an artistic way. Stephanie Posevac belongs to the Data Visualization and Crowd Sourcing categories. Her work on exchanging data over long periods of time and making the visualization of data more acessable to groups learning about the importance of it. Jennifer Daniel belongs in the Creating Data Narratives as well as the Software as Platforms and Virtual Communities categories due to her use of her platform on Wired, The New York Times, The Walrus, and others. Daliel creates clever conceptual art that is often used to educate the public about topics in a visual format.