
In my first sketch I used a signwave with a strobing blue light to create a wave effect in the middle of the sketch. A cross hatching function with random colors assigned lines the top and bottom of the sketch.

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In this sketch I used custom functions to create a nucleus and electrons to fly around the nucleus. I also used Pimage to insert an array of shapes that can be dragged across the screen. There is also a square with random colors and text that scrolls across the screen constantly or when a button is pressed.

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Project 1
Title: Tree Drawing Program
Medium: Processing
Dimensions: 800x800 pixels

For this project I decided to create a program that can draw trees. You can change the background as well as the ground that the tree is placed on. I am really happy with how the leaves function came out as well as the different ground options. I think I could improve on the ability to make more personal choices of how certain assets are colored.

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