Project Proposal

For the final version of my project I would like to make the piece more user friendly. The device as it stands now detects if the conditions you are in are safe for the inhabitants. One of the main issues is that the screen can sometimes be hard to read depending on the lighting conditions. For my upgrade I plan on adding a potentiometer to the device in order to allow the user to change the brightness settings. I would also like to possibly add a battery bank to the unit to allow it to be used anywhere and not be limited to where you can find an outlet. I will also be adding conditional statements to all of the sensors so that when one of the parameters is outside of a safe range there will be a message that displays on the screen letting you know that the conditions that you are in are not safe.

Click on image to watch video.

Here is my video documentation for the final project

The Wellness Machine

Medium: Arduino and electronics

For the final version of my prototype project I chose to expand of the capabilities and functionality of the work. The original device was able to tell you that the environment that you were in was safe as well as give you read outs of the temperature, atmospheric pressure, and the UV light index. The updated version of this project allows the device to update the display and let you know if one of the parameters is outside of a safe range. Once the device detects that a certain parameter is outside of the given range, then the display lets you know that you are not safe. The work was also enhanced by making the box cleaner by making the edges neater and less sharp. I also made the device portable by including a power bank inside of the device so that it could be taken anywhere. There still remains an exterior hole of you wish to plug in the device directly. This device was meant to comment on the current pandemic we are facing as well as any apocolyptic scenario. This device serves dual purpose by being a positive reminder that you are safe as well as a functional piece that gives you valuable information while you are braving the world.

see code